Lung Cancer

Lung cancer has the highest incidence among cancers in america, men and women alike. It usually appears around 55 to 65 years of age.

This cancer remains the most deadly of all types of cancers. The risk of death is particularly high because the diagnosis is often made when the disease is at an advanced stage (average age 70 years). Moreover, this type of cancer can spread easily in the rest of the body given the close contact with several lung blood vessels and lymphatics.

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and death by cancer in general. Being frequently exposed to second-hand smoke or carcinogenic particles in the air, like those arising from asbestos, radon gas or gasoline, can also cause lung cancer. Alone, smoking is responsible for 90% of cases of lung cancer among men and 78% among women. Toxic chemicals contained in tobacco smoke explain its effects on health. The mucus that accumulates in the lungs eventually also trap these products.
Lung cancer can be prevented very effectively. The dangers of smoking can be reduced by quitting or reducing consumption.

There are two forms of lung cancer, which grow and spread differently in the body. They do not address the same way.

- Lung Cancer Small cell. This is the most dangerous form of lung cancer. At diagnosis, the risk that the cancer has already dispersed elsewhere in the body is high. It is almost impossible to treat through surgery. It employs more chemotherapy and radiotherapy. About 20% of cases of lung cancers occur in this form.
- Lung cancer non small cell. This form of lung cancer, which represents about 80% of cases are detected and can be treated more easily than small cell cancer. This category includes three sub-groups: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell undifferentiated. There are other forms, much rarer.


Lung cancer is among the deadliest, with pancreatic cancer. Only 14% of people are still alive more than five years after diagnosis. Even if the person responds well to treatment initially, relapses are common in years or months.

Several medical tests to diagnose and assess the severity of cancer: analysis of sputum, lung images obtained by different techniques (radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and bone scan) blood samples and biopsy.

Lung cancer often obstructs the airways, which creates a breeding ground for respiratory infections like bronchitis or pneumonia.

The cancer can spread to other parts of the body. This is known in medical terms, the formation of metastases. Generally, the metastases will stay in other parts of the lungs, and bones, brain or liver.

Metastases are formed more frequently in cases of lung cancer - especially in the form of small cell cancer - because the blood through the lungs to be oxygenated. The lungs have thousands of connections with small blood vessels and lymphatics: a perfect environment for the spread of a tumor.


Sometimes no symptoms are detectable. The most common symptoms are:

* Cough unusual (being attentive to a smoker's cough worsens);
* Coughing up blood;
* Wheezing;
* Shortness of breath;
* Difficulty breathing or painful;
* Chest pain;
* A hoarse or husky voice for over three to four weeks;
* Bronchitis or recurrent pneumonia;
* Other symptoms, depending on the stage and extent of cancer: loss of weight and appetite, chronic fatigue, headaches, sore bones, etc..